Sunday, December 06, 2015

winter again

 photo 201512_winter_stock_LBR_zpsqzqtbivt.jpgIm not much of a winter kind of guy as my fingers just don't like the cold. I did manage to get out last week and take a few images of our first snowfall of the year. I didn't have a tripod but i did bracket 7 exposures (hand held) for two reasons. The first was easy, in case i wanted to do an HDR later. The second was to see if there were any unexpected surprises in the scene that i just wasn't seeing (for example, two stops underexposed looked pretty cool and dramatic). I did do an HDR using three of the exposures i shot and then i did quite a bit of burning and dodging to bring out the light and dark parts that i wanted the eye to bounce around to. I do recommend a tripod and warm gloves if you want to do some winter HDR shots. Also photomatix pro is my HDR program of choice.

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